Alongside a team of passionate entrepreneurs and experts, Luc Richner is the founder and CEO of Vigia AG – a software platform for more transparency and compliance in the global and local supply chains, with its first dedicated industry being cannabis. Born in Switzerland, raised in Singapore and Hong Kong before starting his journey through the Swiss school system, to date Luc has spent the bigger part of his life in Asia. After graduating the vocational business school in logistics in Basel, Switzerland and a bachelor in Tourism with the focus on product management at the Academia Engiadina he moved to Indonesia. Based on his experience in logistics and management, Luc’s first venture was dedicated to upcycling used materials to high-end furniture. In the following years, he ventured into the global logistics industry, established an expert consultancy to “bridge worlds” and has created a unique, local and sustainable farm to table restaurant in Bali, Indonesia. Back in Switzerland and looking for a way to manifest his full commitment to the digital field he found himself as one of the 20 pioneers to participate in the first Executive MBA Digital Leadership program at the HWZ, “University of Applied Sciences” in Zurich, which he successfully finished in 2021.Throughout his adulft life, Luc has gained valuable experience about the challenges on both sides of the logistic industry and with establishing highly efficient and transparent supply chains. Luc has always connected people from all around the globe and turned his passion through different networking events into a more professional structure. Based on his experience and extraordinary knowledge about supply chains and logistics, Luc has co-created the software suite Cannavigia. Europe’s pioneer compliance software to trace, secure and simplify transactions along the entire cannabis supply network brings transparency and traceability to the cannabis ecosystem.